Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Cream Dory Pesto Parmesan

My kids love breaded fish. They eat it like junk food. With no rice. Until they gotten tired of it. Now I have this cream dory in my fridge thinking what else can I do with it.  My mind was side swept to thinking, "hmmm I would love some pesto pasta right now". Then this light bulb thing came.  What if I put pesto and parmesan on my cream dory?

I go searched the internet and checked to see if someone else had tried it. Someone did but with mayonnaise!

So I put everything on my oven toaster tray. 500grams cream dory, pesto paste, salt, mayo and parmesan.

Oven toasted for 10-15minutes.

Served it with calamansi. Yum! Even my 1.5 year old baby loved it! 
Can I just note that my two kids have very different preference to food. Fish for example: my eldest likes it flaky and skin crispy, while my baby boy likes it soft like this one. Well at least now, I have someone to share my love for pesto ;)